Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Battling Cancer

A tribute to all of my family members who have battled cancer and lost. Most recently is my Aunt Kaye who lost her battle on Nov 6, 2007. Last year for the first time i went with my other Aunt Jo and participated in the Race for the Cure. I am going to try and do it every year and one day hope little Emma wants to join us. Please remember all those you know or don't know that battle with all types of cancer.


Melanie said...

You know that my mom has cancer, right? Ovarian. She is winning...so far! She was diagnosed 11 years ago and it came back a few years ago. Unfortunately it's going to keep coming back, but for now she is winning!! We just keep our fingers crossed!

Rickie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Is this on your mom or dad's side of the family? Do you have a lot of history of cancer in your family?