Monday, September 8, 2008

Belly Button

Yes that is a black belly button it is actually Emma's. Some of you have heard we are having a time with this. A few weeks ago Emma told me her belly button hurt and when she should it to me it was red with fluid coming out, i know kinda gross. So we went to the doctor she got put on anitbiotics, and then up to Primarys for an ultrasound, nothing then it healed up. Then last week it came back so we went up to the Dr. and saw a different then are normal one and she said "oh i see this all the time in brand new babies ( i am thinking to my self but in a five year old?) so she numbed her up and put silver nitrate on it (cartarized it) so not 4 hours later she showed it to me cause it was hurting and now blood was coming out and her stomach was swollen. So we then went to a surgeon at Primarys and well she is now scheduled to have surgery on the 24th of Sept. So we will see how it goes and hopefully this will take care of it. She is okay now we just have to keep the infection out before surgery.

1 comment:

Rickie said...

That is so crazy. I hope they can get it taken care of. Daven has to have surgery sometime this year and I just am so nervous about it, although I'm grateful for all they can do. PLus, you guys are so lucky to have Primary's they are great!! I hope it goes well.