Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kanagroo Zoo

So as you can see Emma had a blast on her Birthday. We went to a place called Kangaroo Zoo a place that is just full of those inflatable clides and jumping things and black light mini golf. As you can see it wasn't just the kids that had fun all the adults i think went on at least one, and of course Zac and my dad well had a hard time getting out of them so they just rolled out. You could tell of what adult went down the slides all of the elbows or heads had burns on them it was great. It was 2 hours of 16 kids yelling and screaming it was fun. We then went into the BUG room with blue charis that Emma picked out and had pizza and cake and did presents, with bubbles coming down from the cealing the kids loved it and the last surprise was Coco the Kangaroo came to say Happy Birthday to Emma (not to fond of him she wouldn't go near him). Thank you to all that came it was great.


The Robot Writes said...

Thanks for inviting Halle. She had a lot of fun. Happy birthday Emma!

TokenLiberal said...

What a surprise to find your blog! Now I'll be watching to see your updates and enjoying the photos. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Auntie L in MA