Thursday, August 21, 2008

Youth Conference

That would be one of the leaders in the hat isn't she just cute. All the girls laying out playing guitar. Zac got to come along because the YW leaders had to have somewhere to sleep, and it wasn't going to be on the ground so what a great guy to pull up our trailor so we had a potty and comfort. The kids did baptisms for the dead at the Manti Temple and then a service project at the cemetery and then up the mountain we went. It was fun and the kids did great.


Emily said...

I miss your kids so much!! They are just so funny to me! Tell them hi for me and hopefully I will be bck soon

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

hey guys
didn't even know you were in blog land. Good to check in on you. today we took ourselves and my parents to Dover Castle. It was pretty awesome. I will post pics on our blog soon. I'm glad we will be able to see what's up with your fabulous family.